Jen & Vic are Getting Hitched!

A few weeks ago I was contacted about doing an engagement shot down in Narragansett at the Lighthouse… hmm – but I was already going to be there for a wedding…  Oh!  Wait – small world!  Jen & Vic were going to be there as they were attending the wedding I was going to photograph that afternoon!  LOL – it worked out great!  Jen and Vic are getting married in September and I’m super excited for their wedding!  The shoot was pretty cool as Vic had previously been stationed at Point Judith so we were able to actually go up and into the lighthouse!  Sa-weet!

so this shoot left me with THREE that i’m in love with!  no way right?!  lol


Yup – how awesome right?

HHP has a surprising light week – so be looking for lots of new blog posts!
Thanks for looking and have a great week! 

One thought on “Jen & Vic are Getting Hitched!

  1. Pingback: Congrats Jen and Vic! « Holly Haddad Photography

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